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The CLUB Pathway Experience

Our goal is to help the players. If you are a club that has the same desire check out the info below. 

Featured Player Highlight

Featured Player Highlight

Every player from your club that signs up with our program, becomes a featured player for every year of membership.

College Finder Map

College Finder Map

This Map based program will give clubs, coaches and players access to the most current, relevant information needed to find the right fit for each players college search. With over 2500 entries of men's and women's programs, and in all Divisions, you will have everything you need to help you find the right school: records, contact info, class size, etc.

Personal Growth Services

Personal Growth Services

All partner club Coaches and Players get access to our extra video and educational services Our experts will guide you and your club through seminars based around Nutrition, Chiropractic Care, Injury Prevention, Mindfulness, and Sports Psychology.

Best 11 Player Nominee

Best 11 Player Nominee

Your club gets to nominate a player each month for our Best 11 program. This program highlights and showcases our most well-rounded players for what they do off the field.

Featured Clubs

Featured Clubs

Your club will be listed on our featured club page and as a sponsor in all of our monthly newsletters.

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